Make an Appointment

At Columbia Otolaryngology, our ENT specialists handle the full range of ear, nose, throat, head, and neck conditions in both adults and children. Whether you’re seeing us online or in person, we look forward to your next visit with us.

Video Visits

Online appointments are a convenient way to visit your provider using a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android phone, or Android tablet). Schedule a video visit by calling your provider’s office or the main Columbia Otolaryngology number (212-305-8555). Then follow these 3 steps:

1. Sign up for Connect

  • Open your email from sends e-mail). If you do not have an email to set up a Connect account, skip to step #2.
  • Follow account set-up instructions
  • Click Sign-In
  • Review and Accept Terms and Conditions

2. Download and Setup the MyChart App

3. Start Video Visit at the Scheduled Time

  • Open your MyChart app
  • Sign in with your Connect account. If needed, go back to step #2 to make sure the app is setup
  • Click "Appointments" (Do not click the stethoscope "E-Visit" icon)
  • Click the appropriate Video Visit appointment
  • Review and accept terms and conditions under eCheck-in
  • Once green, click the "Begin Visit" button at the bottom of your screen

Tips for Video Visits

  • Make sure you are in a quiet, well-lit room with a strong internet signal
  • Use the latest version of the app on your phone or tablet
  • You or your physician can start the video visit up to 15 minutes before the scheduled time
  • If you minimize the app during your visit, the camera will pause but the microphone will stay on
  • If your connection gets lost, you can restart the video visit by following the above steps
  • For help, contact Connect Technical Support at 646-962-4200

To Cancel or Change Your Appointment

If you need to cancel or reschedule, please contact our office at least 24 hours before your scheduled visit.

International Patients

Our physicians and surgeons provide expert care to patients from all over the world. To coordinate your care from afar, the Global Services Office(link is external and opens in a new window) provides around-the-clock help and support seven days a week. Patient coordinators will assist you with medical appointments, accommodations, and travel documentation, while financial representatives work closely with you regarding financial matters.